Finished At Fifty? 10 Job Search Tips For The Over 50s

Sital Ruparelia

The media often paints a gloomy picture of the prospects for people looking for a new job in their 50s. But if that’s you, or someone you know, remember that being in your 50s and out of work is not the end of the world. Rather than being “Finished At Fifty”, this is just a new beginning in your life and career. People can, and do, get new jobs after 50. Here are ten tips to help.

1. Stop thinking and talking about your age

The more you think and talk about your age, gender or race the more interviewers and contacts will notice it. Don’t mention your age. You don’t have to put it on your resume / CV these days, or refer to it in interviews. Instead, focus on the value that comes from your experience of working through several downturns (which people in their 30s just do not have), of having a stronger professional network than a 28 year old, of having more technical knowledge. Do this in a way that is bespoke to particular roles and employers, and your age starts being an advantage, not a hindrance.

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