Friday, February 3rd

SHRM Leading Indicators of National Employment® (LINE) - February 2017
It not unusual for employment to decline in both the manufacturing and the service sector in January and then expand in February. In February 2017, employment will grow at 57.0 percent of manufacturing firms and decline at 8.1 percent. The resulting net increasing index of 48.9 (57.0 percent - 8.1 percent) suggests slightly faster employment growth in manufacturing than in February 2016 (47.5).   Read more
Thought of the Day
"Individual commitment to a group effort -- that is what makes a team work, a company work,
 a society work, a civilization work." -- Vince Lombardi

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New jobs on - Friday, February 3rd
Click on the job title of each listing to see the complete job description and how to apply. If you would like to have these emails sent directly to you and/or to a different email address click here.
Job Title
Fortune Personnel Consult.
Little Rock, Arkansas
Sierra Nevada Brewing Co.
Chico, California
Lippert Components, Inc.
Fort Wayne, Indiana
Envir. Health & Engineering
Needham, Massachusetts
Performance Foodservice
Springfield, Massachusetts
Bradsby Group
Shirley Parsons
Con Edison
New York City, New York
Consentium Search
Hartford, Connecticut
Tessenderlo Kerley Inc
Phoenix, Arizona
Banda Group International
D.C., D.C.
Banda Group International
D.C/Virginia area, D.C.
Banda Group International
D.C./Virginia Area, D.C.
Banda Group International
D.C./Virginia Area, D.C.
Banda Group International
D.C./Virginia Area, D.C.
Alpha EMC
Atlanta, Georgia
MDC Vacuum
Hayward, California
CenterPoint Energy
Minneapolis, Minnesota
Alpha EMC
Miami, Florida
West Palm Beach, Florida
Alpha EMC
Miami, Florida
Confidential Company
Albany, New York
Avitus Group
San Ramon, California
Colony Brands, Inc
Monroe, Wisconsin
Onesimus Defense
Carlisle, Pennsylvania
International Safety Systems
Dynamic Systems, Inc.
Poughkeepsie, New York
Aurora Flight Sciences
Manassas, Virginia
Tecumseh, Kansas
King of Prussia, Pennsylvania
CompSource Mutual Insurance
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
San Mateo County
Redwood City, California
New Haven, Connecticut
Premier Health
Dayton, Ohio
Leprino Foods
Lemoore (East), California
Howey-in-the-Hills, Florida
Madison-Kipp Corporation
Madison, Wisconsin
Zekelman Industries
Wheatland, Pennsylvania
Consentium Search
Baltimore, Maryland
Fenner Dunlop Americas
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
East Point, Georgia
Houston, Texas
Code Red Safety
Arlington, Texas
ESIS, Inc.
San Jose, California
ESIS, Inc.
Warminster, Pennsylvania
ESIS, Inc.
Jersey City, New Jersey
ESIS, Inc.
Orange County, California
Bureau Veritas N.A., Inc.
Costa Mesa, California
Bureau Veritas N.A., Inc.
Honolulu, Hawaii
International Safety Systems
New York
International Safety Systems
New Jersey
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