Friday, October 28th

29 brilliant questions to ask at the end of every job interview
It's important to remember that every interview is a two-way street. You should be assessing the employer just as much as they're assessing you because you both need to walk away convinced that the job would be a great fit. So when the tables are turned and the interviewer asks, "Do you have any questions for me?" take advantage of this opportunity. Here are 29 questions you should always ask in a job interview - if they weren't already answered - to help you get a better sense of the role and the company, and to leave the interview with a positive, lasting impression:   Read more

Thought of the Day
"I attribute my success to this: I never gave or took an excuse." -- Florence Nightingale
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New jobs on - Friday, October 28th
Click on the job title of each listing to see the complete job description and how to apply. If you would like to have these emails sent directly to you and/or to a different email address click here.
Job Title
ESIS, Inc.
Orange County, California
Code Red Safety
Kalamazoo, Michigan
ESIS, Inc.
Phoenix, Arizona
Apex Tool Group
Apex, North Carolina
Trinity Safety Group
Washington, D.C.
Time Warner Cable
New York
CJ Bio America
Fort Dodge, Iowa
Firebaugh, California
Seattle, Washington
Sensient Technologies Corp.
Turlock, California
Forensic Analytical Consulting
Portland, Oregon
Time Warner Cable
Buffalo, New York
Subaru of Indiana Automotive
Lafayette, Indiana
Confidential Company
Ever-Green Energy, Inc.
St. Paul, Minnesota
Huntington Ingalls Industries
Newport News, Virginia
Bureau Veritas N.A., Inc.
Detroit, Michigan
Bureau Veritas N.A., Inc.
Costa Mesa, California
US Ecology
Tempe, Arizona
Bureau Veritas N.A., Inc.
St. Louis, Missouri
US Ecology
Taylor, Michigan
US Ecology
Romulus, Michigan
Physical Rehab. Network
San Francisco, California
International Paper
Riegelwood, N. Carolina
International Paper
Memphis, Tennessee
EnDyna, Inc.
Arlington, Virginia
Scholle IPN
Peachtree City, Georgia
Loureiro Engineering
Plainville, Connecticut
Banda Group International
Greenbelt, Maryland
Banda Group International
Fredricks, Maryland
Johns Manville
Cleburne, Texas
Alpha EMC
Charlotte, N. Carolina
Code Red Safety
Dallas, Texas
Shirley Parsons
Springfield, Missouri
Romeoville, Illinois
Romeoville, Illinois
Fibergrate Comp. Structures
Stephenville , Texas
Shirley Parsons
Reading, Pennsylvania
JLL (Jones Lang LaSalle)
Kent, Washington
Durham County Government
Durham, North Carolina
Flagship Facilities Inc.
San Jose, California
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