How My First Boss Taught Me How to "Work Happy"

Julia Boorstin
In this series, professionals thank those who helped them reach where they are today. Read the posts here, then write your own. Use #ThankYourMentor and @mention your mentor when sharing.

I was lucky that my first boss turned out to be the ultimate mentor. He not only taught me to embrace all types of media, but he also inspired me to turn my weaknesses into strengths — and to enjoy every day of work.

My first job straight out of college was reporting for a Renaissance man of business journalism, Andy Serwer, now editor-in-chief at Yahoo Finance. It was 2000 and Fortune Magazine hired me the same week the market peaked. I started, a sort of apprentice to Andy, after the market had begun its steep descent. The rise of digital content was about to kick off an unprecedented transformation of the media business, and the subject we covered was headed for a roller coaster, between the market crash, 9/11, and the rise of a new digital economy.
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