Missouri Southern State University - Environmental Health & Safety degree

MSSU Environmental Health & Safety
3950 Newman Rd 3950 E. Newman Rd.
Joplin, MO 64801
United States

The Missouri Southern State University - Environmental Health & Safety BS degree provides students the knowledge, skills and credentials necessary to work as an environmental health and safety professional with public health departments, environmental protection agencies, environmental consultants and occupational health and safety divisions of industry.

The BS degree program is fully accredited by the National Environmental Health Science and Protection Accreditation Council (aka EHAC) and is also approved by the Institute of Safety and Health Management (ISHM). Our mission is to help you be a success in an environmental health and safety career with government and/or industry..

A campus track or a distance learning track is available for you to obtain the BS degree in Environmental Health and Safety (EHS).
Missouri Southern State University EHS
Mike Fletcher
3950 E. Newman Rd.
Joplin MO 64801
United States

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