Monday, December 19th

What to do if you don't land the job
If you want to speed up your job search, adopt the mindset of a successful salesperson. Sales professionals know a few things about rejection that can help jobseekers. They know you shouldn't assume rejection if you haven't heard back from a prospect. They know that it's often possible to overcome an apparent rejection or hesitations about the services you are offering. And they know how to skillfully keep in touch when there's no interest now.  Read more

Thought of the Day
"If you train your mind to search for the positive things about other people, you will be surprised at how many good things you can observe in them and comment upon." -- Alan Loy McGinnis
Don't miss out! Create your free & confidential Profile
Having a profile makes it easier for you to respond to job postings (especially on mobile devices). It enables you to save your resume(s) & cover letter(s), manage & track your applications, save jobs, and create customized job notification agents. Plus, without a profile you may be missing out on some of the best opportunities. That is because some employers do not post their openings - they just search the profiles on our site to identify & contact prospects. So don't miss out - post a profile to utilize EHSCareers to its full potential.  Create your profile now

New jobs on - Monday, December 19th
Click on the job title of each listing to see the complete job description and how to apply. If you would like to have these emails sent directly to you and/or to a different email address click here.
Job Title
Murray State University
Murray, Kentucky
Packaging Corp. of Amercia
Lake Forest, Illinois
National Resource Solutions
Los Angeles, California
Select Search, LLC
Los Angeles, California
Morris, Illinois
Shirley Parsons
Rockford, Illinois
Confidential Company
Gramercy, Louisiana
Desert Research Institute
Reno or Las Vegas, Nevada
Georgia-Pacific LLC
Pennington, Alabama
Georgia-Pacific LLC
Ridgeway, Virginia
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