Monday, May 22nd

Give your people C.R.A.P. if you want great employee retention
Early in my career, I worked for an incredible general manager that taught me a lot of C.R.A.P. -- caring, respect, appreciation and praise. He also taught me that giving people C.R.A.P. was at the heart of driving employee loyalty and retention. The four elements of C.R.A.P. are simple. I said simple, not easy. Here they are:   Read more
Thought of the Day
"Make yourself an honest man, and then you may be sure there is one less rascal in the world."
-- Thomas Carlyle

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New job opportunities on EHSCareers - Monday, May 22nd
Click on the job title of each listing to see the complete job description and how to apply. If you would like to have these emails sent directly to you and/or to a different email address click here.
Job Title
American Woodmark
Jackson, Georgia
Shirley Parsons
South Bend, Indiana
Madison, Wisconsin
Cerus Corporation
Concord, California
Compliance Systems Mgmt.
San Diego, California
Tyson Foods
Springdale, Arkansas
Tyson Foods
Harmony, North Carolina
Sterling & Associates
Milpitas, California
Oldcastle Precast
Albany area, New York
Oldcastle Precast
Telford, Pennsylvania
Oldcastle Precast
Hartford, Connecticut
Oldcastle Precast
Rehoboth, Massachusetts
Spellman High Voltage
Hauppauge, New York
Birmingham Water
Birmingham, Alabama
Confidential Company
Phoenix, Arizona
GATX Corporation
Montreal, Quebec
Fortune Personnel
Albany, New York
Georgia-Pacific LLC
Brunswick, Georgia
Georgia-Pacific LLC
Camden, Texas
Georgia-Pacific LLC
Brewton, Alabama
International Paper
Prattville, Alabama
International Paper
Vicksburg, Mississippi
International Paper
Santa Fe Springs, California
International Paper
Statewide, California
HazTek Inc.
Columbia, S. Carolina
HazTek Inc.
Cincinnati, Ohio
HazTek Inc.
Cody, Wyoming
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