What’s the Number One Interview Question to Ask?


We all have one. That killer question that nobody else has thought of. The one that will tell you everything you need to know about that candidate. The one you wished you were asked when you were being interviewed. There are some that will stay with you forever and you hope your candidates will too.

We’ve asked our panel of recruitment experts their one interview question they never fail to ask.

Leela Srinivasan

I love to ask candidates, “Tell me about the last piece of constructive feedback you received, and what you did as a result.” It helps me understand the candidate’s opportunities to improve that their boss or co-workers have identified in the past. It exposes their humility and self-awareness (or, sometimes their lack of it). It gives me a window into how they generally process negative feedback and approach self-improvement. If they choose something too far back in the past, I ask them to give me another, more recent example. We should all constantly be learning from our mistakes.

Leela Srinivasan, Chief Marketing Officer at Lever.

Amy Volas

What are you seeing in the market that excites you/why and on the flip side of the coin what’s happening in the industry that concerns you/why?

Amy Volas is Chieftain of Avenue Talent Partners.

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