3 Reasons You're Not Getting Hired (Even Though You’re 100% Qualified)

Sara McCord

It’s one of the most frustrating job search scenarios. You’re applying for the right roles and you have the right qualifications. You know this to be true because you’re landing one interview after the next.

And yet, you’re not getting offers.

You keep hearing that, while you were a finalist, they went with someone who “was a better fit.” (Or maybe you don’t hear anything back at all.)

The good news is: the fact that you’re stalling out at the interview stage means you simply need to change up how you handle that one part of the process. Here’s how to diagnose what’s holding you back—and fix it.

1. You’re Qualified, But Boring

Thinking back on your interview, you feel good about it. You had a reasonable answer to every question and made no major mistakes. Nothing really sticks out, but you know you did a good, solid job.

Unfortunately, that’s generally not enough to land an offer.

Hiring managers often lead multiple interviews a day, sometimes back-to-back. Even if you have strong qualifications, you’ll have a hard time finding your way onto the offer list—let alone the top spot—if he or she has to go back to their notes to even remember who you are.

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