6 Resolutions for Career Happiness in 2016

Dan Bowling

So how are those New Year’s resolutions working for you? Not good, right? Here is why: They probably involve fixing something bad about yourself; magically acquiring or discarding personal traits that are an indelible part of your psychological makeup. Unless those traits involve sociopathic behavior or are being monitored by a parole officer, try something different this year. Focus on a) using more of your best traits, and b) learning some new ones.

At the heart of most resolutions is a desire to live a better and more productive life, but we go about it wrong. For some reason, our resolutions tend to focus on removing negativetraits rather than adding and building positive ones. This is a fool’s errand; it usually doesn’t work. Instead of making the usual glum commitments about taming bad habits, sure to be discarded before the Bud Light runs out at the Super Bowl party (Remember that resolution to cut down on the Bud Light?), why not focus on what will really make you happy at work and in life?

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