How to Bounce Back From A Failed Salary Negotiation

Caroline Gray

You did your research, you prepared, you went in feeling confident and poised. And then your salary negotiation did NOT go as planned. First order of business: it’s okayt’s okayt’s okaytt’s okay. No bridges were burned, and this is not a career-shattering experience. Instead, use this less-than-ideal negotiation moment to display your professionalism and resilience.

We spoke with Joel Garfinkle, executive coach and author of Get Paid What You’re Worth to get his expertise and advice on how to bounce back after a not-so-awesome negotiation. He cuts straight to the point for the reality check you need after a salary setback.

1. Evaluate the failure.

“Use a failed salary increase negotiation as an opportunity to re-evaluate your current role. Is this, perhaps, a sign that you need to make professional improvements to be seen at the value you’re hoping for?”

2. Stay focused on the future.

“Following a failed negotiation, you need to move forward. This may mean accepting your current salary level and improving yourself for salary advancements down the line. The key will be to focus on the future and not don’t dwell on the past.”

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