This Single Networking Trick Will Break the Ice Every Time

Geoffrey James

How much is a single sentence worth?

Quite a bit. I've many times created email marketing messages (1 or 2 sentences) that have generated millions of dollars in new business for my clients.

(If you're interesting in email marketing, I'm giving a free webinar on the topic next week, and I believe there are still some slots open.)

The messages I write for clients, though, are very specific to their business, industry and customer base.

What about something that would work for everyone?

Well, it turns out that I have a "networking" sentence (a question actually) that has laid the foundation of most of my most valuable business relationships.

This simple question has connected me, immediately and on a personal level, with some of the world's most famous gurus, CEOs and business celebrities.

And that question is: What do you love best about your job?

Ask that question of a harried executive and she'll pause, smile and talk about what makes her happy. And thus give you the key to making her happier.

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