3 tips that will help you nail your next job interview


Whether you're a fresh college graduate or a professional with years of experience under your belt, job interviews can be daunting. But there are sure-fire ways to make yourself stand out, nerves and all.

According to research from LinkedIn and Microsoft, 46% of professionals plan on leaving their jobs this year. Meanwhile, the class of 2024 is on the hunt for their first full-time role post-graduation. For anyone searching in today's market, it can be challenging enough to just get a response back from a company after applying — but what happens when job seekers actually get to their first round of interviews?

"When somebody is a job seeker, they also have to be a very good storyteller," says Emily Levine, executive vice president at recruitment and advisory firm Career Group Companies. "Know what you're looking for and what you feel you can bring to the table."

While easier said than done, Levine points out some key ways candidates can ensure they're telling their best story at the next job interview. Here are three tips to keep in mind, whether your interview is in-person or via video call.

Know the company’s story

Levine advises candidates to treat their interview like an audition. In order to beat out other people who want the role, candidates need to know the company's story — their mission and goals — and how their career aspirations fit into that story. Candidates can look at the company's website, social media accounts and employee reviews on sites like Glassdoor to get a better idea of what the company is looking for.

"They should know who they're talking to. They should know about the company," she says. "The company doesn't just want someone talented. It's also about confidence and projection."

Ask the right questions

While research can help candidates answer questions well, they still need to ask a few questions themselves. Levine encourages them to ask ones that give them a chance to better assert they're a good fit for the role and company: Was there a desired skill or mindset that the previous person who had this role didn't offer? What does the ideal candidate look like for this role? What makes this work culture a great fit for you?

Levine also suggests candidates ask for feedback after the interview, whether via email or phone call if the hiring team is willing. "It's a chance to learn more, to show you have a sense of curiosity and to gain knowledge," says Levine.

Reveal your nerves

It can be beneficial to express that you're nervous or excited about a job opportunity with an interviewer because it can make a candidate seem more honest and relatable, she explains. While it may seem controversial to admit in a professional setting, Levine says vulnerability can be a superpower.

"Something that I learned decades ago was if you share your fear or your feelings, it immediately disarms you," says Levine. "You put it out there, and now you feel more in control. Meanwhile, the employer knows you're vulnerable and wants to put you at ease. It's the human element — and people don't just get hired for their skill set, but because someone liked them."

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