EHS Degree Programs

Greensboro, NC
The Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Design is popular among students seeking professional careers dedicated to improving the natural...
Raleigh, NC
The Department of Civil, Construction, and Environmental Engineering offers undergraduate degrees in civil engineering, construction engineering, and...
Dekalb, IL
We offer two undergraduate degrees in environmental studies: a Bachelor of Science (B.S.) degree and a Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) degree. We also offer a minor...
Highland Heights, KY
This multidisciplinary background is combined with 300 level or above course requirements that integrate the disciplines & emphasize the scientific study of...
Bentonville, AR
There are two options available for this technical, competency-based degree, as well as four technical certificates for pursuing education. . .
Kirkland, WA
Since the beginning of time, humans have been tasked with a special job: being stewards of God's creation. And we're still figuring out how to best care for...
Fort Lauderdale, FL
In addition to interdisciplinary courses, you will choose either the science track or the environmental studies track. Core courses ground you in Everglades...
Rochester, MI
Students interested in environmental health are often looking for a grander view of the world. An interest in the natural world, its preservation, and its...
Odessa, TX
The occupational safety and health degree is designed for people entering the safety department within their company or for those who seek employment...
Klamath Falls, OR
Welcome to the Oregon Tech Environmental Sciences Program! Our curriculum features several aspects designed to equally prepare students for the job market...